Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The White Maasai

 Habari rafiki

I'm doin pretty well as it were. The homestay was really awesome. I definitely loved being a Maasai moran for the day. It really is hakuna matata. We also went back to Amboseli to do the large mammal count. Man it's tough tryin to count a herd of almost 500 moving animals, age them, and identify their genders. Really tough. Almost impossible.

Friday was a ton of fun. At least for Patrick and I. In Maasai society, The women do all the cooking, cleaning, and house repair. All we have to do is scout around, chop a tree here, herd cattle there, maybe get some hair braiding in, and then do some dancing and jumping. Just chillin with the Maasai bros. Our homestay warrior tried his best to be helpful in learning kiswahili and kimaasai, but sometimes it was incredibly difficult to communicate, so maybe sitting around was for the best. but I learned a lot, and they were really cool.

We also went to the lodge on Sunday. A well-deserved break after a really long week of exercises. All we did was chill by the pool, go swimming, and hang out with friends. I also got absurdly close to a bull elephant. On foot. They are definitely the largest land mammals on the face of the Earth. Absolutely massive.

Swahili Word of the Day is "Sijafanya" which means "I didn't do it"

kids be sure to use that one in my mom's class. ;)

bro tip #1621
wake up, do whatever the hell you want, go to sleep. repeat.


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