Friday, February 24, 2012

You gotta be kidding...

 So... Hamjambo everybody

I cannot describe to you how disappointed I am in the Elon men's basketball team. Can't believe they lost... oye.. how can I defend myself from across an ocean? Shout out to my mom. dad, and sister for being there and all over the highlight video.

Anyways, I've been incredibly busy as of late. A ton of assignments are almost due and they seem to just keep adding up. Everybody is super stressed. I've suggested chilling a couple times.

Being around all these women is probably going to take years off of my life, but I love 'em anyways. They're really a ton of fun, granted they have a very skewed view of men. Maybe I can change their opinion. ....Nope....

African business is going as usual. I'm enjoying the experience and waiting for everything to fall into place. Field exercises confirm that being a wildlife manager is something I wanna do for the rest of my life. I'm even into African plants now. Who would've guessed? All I know is I love this place, and this high will probably last the rest of the trip.

I have two Swahili Words of the Day again: "peponi" which means paradise
                                                                              "pasipo mwisho" which means in perpetuity

Africa ni peponi, pasipo mwisho.

Tutaonana mzunguli!

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